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In Rare Partnership, NYC, NY State Bar Associations Prevail on ABA to Urge Congress to Assist Puerto Rico (New York Law Journal)

New York Law Journal, August 7, 2018

In Rare Partnership, NYC, NY State Bar Associations Prevail on ABA to Urge Congress to Assist Puerto Rico

“At the urging of the New York State and New York City bar associations, the American Bar Association House of Delegates today approved a resolution calling on Congress to assist Puerto Rico in its efforts to rebuild after Hurricane Maria. The resolution, which passed unanimously, is similar to ones that the state and city bar associations passed earlier this year. NYSBA President Michael Miller and NYCBA President Roger Juan Maldonado worked in close collaboration to build support for the resolution, which asks Congress to exempt Puerto Rico from the Merchant Marine Act of 1920, better known as the Jones Act. ‘The collaboration between the State Bar and the New York City Bar to advance this important measure is unprecedented, and I want to express special thanks to Roger Juan Maldonado for his partnership with us and his leadership on this issue,’ Miller said.”

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