Information for Senior Citizens and People with Disabilities

If you are a Senior Citizen (age 65 or older) or have a disability that in some way prevents you from filing a claim or attending court in person there are options for you to be heard and represented.

One option is the daytime court. When you are filing a claim ask the clerk to schedule it for daytime court if that will be more helpful. Be aware you will be asked for proof of age and/or disability.

If you cannot go to the Small Claims Clerk’s Office, you may mail the Clerk the claim form with proof of age or disability (for example,  a copy of an official document such as a driver’s license).

Instructions for filing a claim by mail are available on the website of the Office of Court Administration. You can also send a trusted person to file the claim for you.


As the Claimant: If you are physically unable to make an appearance at the court, you should send a letter signed by you stating why you are unable to attend and stating who you have chosen to represent you as a non-attorney representative. Also send documentation proving your reason as to why you cannot appear, just as for filing a claim through the mail. The person you send as a non-attorney representative should be a blood relative, a spouse, or relative through marriage.

As the Defendant: If you are physically unable to appear in court, you should send a non-attorney representative who can act for you in the case. The person you send should be a blood relative, a spouse, or marital relative. He or she should bring a document signed by you giving them your permission to represent you and proof of why you cannot attend court and need a non-attorney representative.

For Both Claimant and Defendant: If you use a non-attorney representative, make sure you provide them with all possible evidence, receipts, etc., and make sure they fully understand your position so that they may fully and adequately represent you. Of course, if you have the financial means you can hire a lawyer to represent you.