
Emerging Legal Paradigms

As the adversarial tradition has made way for more cooperative techniques – such as Alternative Dispute Resolution, Collaborative Divorce, Drug Courts, Mediation, Problem-Solving Courts, Restorative Justice and Integrative Law – lawyers are increasingly turning to peacemaking, problem-solving and healing over arguing, winning and punishing. The panel of three experts discusses the emergence of an international trend toward new legal paradigms, the reasons for it, and the legal theories behind it.

Hon. Maria Arias
, Family Court Judge, New York County

Peter Gabel
, Author, The Desire for Mutual Recognition; Social Movements and the Dissolution of the False Self, and Another Way of Seeing: Essays on Transforming Law, Politics and Culture; Editor-at-Large, Tikkun magazine; Co-Founder of the Critical Legal Studies movement and the Project for Integrating Spirituality, Law, and Politics (PISLAP)
Marjorie Silver, Director of Externships and Professor of Law, Touro College Law Center; Editor & Contributing Author, Transforming Justice, Lawyers and the Practice of Law and The Affective Assistance of Counsel: Practicing Law As A Healing Profession
Nanette Schorr, Education Law Unit Director, Bronx Legal Services; Co-founder, the Project for Integrating Spirituality, Law, and Politics (PISLAP)

Sponsoring Committee:
Senior Lawyers, Diane Fener and Gertrude Pfaffenbach, Co-Chairs

Co-Sponsoring Committees:
Alternative Dispute Resolution, Charles M. Newman, Chair
President’s Committee On The Efficient Resolution of Disputes, Erin Gleason Alvarez & Daniel Kolb, Co-Chairs
Mindfulness and Well-Being, Cecilia B. Loving, Chair