Press Releases

Hofstra School of Law Wins Regional Moot Court Competition at the City Bar


Eric Friedman
(212) 382-6754

Kathryn Inman
(212) 382-6656

Hofstra School of Law Wins Regional Moot Court Competition at the City Bar

New York, November 22, 2013 – Hofstra University School of Law won the regional rounds of the 64th Annual National Moot Court Competition, which took place November 20-21 at the New York City Bar Association. The winning team consisted of Brian Boxler, Brendan Friedman and Paul Liggieri.

New York University School of Law, represented by Daniel Eisenberg, Shoyeb Siddique and Katherine Englander, took second-place honors. Both teams will advance to the final rounds in early 2014. Thirty winning and runner-up teams from 15 regions across the United States will compete in the final rounds of the competition, February 10-13, at the City Bar.

Best Brief honors also went to the Hofstra team. Runner-up Brief was awarded to Brooklyn Law School, whose team consisted of Scott Foletta, Callagee O’Brien, and Ava Page. Best Oralist was awarded to Paul Liggieri of Hofstra, with runner-up honors going to Daniel Eisenberg of New York University School of Law.

This year, the Annual Moot Court Competition presents two issues of significant constitutional importance. The first concerns whether a state law mandating that beverage retailers post a sign in their stores about the negative health effects of certain beverages violates the First Amendment. The second arises under the Commerce Clause and considers whether a state law that requires a unique mark to be placed on beverage containers sold within the state violates the Dormant Commerce Clause.

The competition is co-sponsored by the American College of Trial Lawyers and the Young Lawyers Committee of the New York City Bar Association.

About the Association
The New York City Bar Association, since its founding in 1870, has been dedicated to maintaining the high ethical standards of the legal profession, promoting reform of the law and access to justice, and providing service to the profession and the public. The Association, through its 24,000 members, continues to work for political, legal and social reform, while implementing innovative means to help the disadvantaged. Protecting the public’s welfare remains one of the Association’s highest priorities.