Committee Reports

Support for proposed amendments to NYC regulations on spaying and neutering


In a report to the City Council, the Committee on Animal Law supported legislation to expand the types of animals sold in pet stores that must be spayed or neutered by a licensed veterinarian before released to a consumer, unless a letter and certification is received by the pet shop from a licensed veterinarian rendering a professional opinion that the animal should not be sterilized until a later date. Currently, cats and dogs are covered by City law; this bill would encompass rabbits, guinea pigs and any other animal designated by rule that are eight weeks of age or older. The Committee recommended changes to the legislation to take into account the danger of performing these procedures on animals that are too small and too young, and also recommended tightening or deletion of the certification exception, as it is not clearly tailored to the health and welfare of the animal in question. 

Originally Issued May 2014; Reissued November 2014


Intro 0136-2014 – expands the types of animals sold in pet stores that must be spayed or neutered by a licensed veterinarian before released to a consumer.


Signed by the Mayor (2015/007) – January 17, 2015