Committee Reports

Report on legislation regarding funding of trap-neuter-return (“TNR”) programs for feral cats


The Committee on Animal Law issued a report supporting state legislation that would expand the scope of the Animal Population Control Program to include funding to eligible entities, in coordination with community-based initiatives, for the purpose of trapping, neutering, vaccinating and returning feral cats (“TNR”) to the area from which they were trapped. Funding now is limited to spay/neuter programs. According to the Committee, the legislation is justified because it is now widely accepted that TNR is the only humane and scientifically proven effective method of controlling the overpopulation of feral cats.

Originally Issued August 2014; Reissued January 2015


A.2778 (AM McDonald) / S.1081 (Sen. Marchione) – relates to community based initiatives for the purpose of trapping, neutering, vaccinating and returning feral cats to the area from which they were trapped (NYS 2015)


Vetoed by the Governor, Memo 203 – October 26, 2015