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Cuomo proposes domestic terror act, asks Congress to do the same (Newsday)

Newsday, August 15, 2019

Cuomo proposes domestic terror act, asks Congress to do the same

 “‘We are living a recurring American nightmare … the scourge of hate,’ Cuomo told the New York City Bar Association in Manhattan. ‘When we look back at this era we will see that this has been one of the most polarizing and divisive in our history, a society indelibly scarred by the toxic cocktail of guns and hate.’”

Cuomo bound together national mass shootings by Americans with the need to combat hate speech up to and including President Donald Trump. He also called on Congress to pass a similar measure as well as a federal SAFE Act. That would be a federal version of Cuomo’s 6-year-old signature state gun control law and includes a ban on assault weapons, high-capacity clips of ammunition and more thorough background checks before sales of firearms.

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