
Clean Slate New York | 2023 NYS Legislative Agenda

The Clean Slate Act would automatically seal criminal conviction records for civil purposes after reasonable waiting periods: misdemeanor conviction records would be automatically sealed three years after sentencing and felony records seven years after sentencing. Sealing would not take effect until community supervision is complete, and records would be sealed only for civil purposes, remaining available for criminal justice purposes and for gun licensing.  Having a conviction history can mean a lifetime of perpetual punishment that continues long after any criminal systems involvement has ended. Existing avenues to sealing relief are cumbersome and inefficient, so enacting broad-based, automatic records sealing is necessary for real change.  The City Bar supports the Clean Slate Act because it will allow individuals with conviction histories to move forward, achieve financial and housing security for themselves and their families, and become vital participants in New York’s recovering economy.

– New for 2023 –


Signed by the Governor, Chp. 631 – November 16, 2023