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Bar Groups Back Fuller Reports of Lawyers’ Outside Work (New York Law Journal)

New York Law Journal, March 23, 2015

Bar Groups Back Fuller Reports of Lawyers’ Outside Work

Both the New York City and the New York State Bar Associations are backing an ethics proposal that would require legislators, including those who are lawyers, to make a fuller accounting of their outside income and clientele….City Bar President Debra Raskin urged the full Legislature, including the state Senate, to adopt the plan. “In this political climate, it is particularly important that the public have a high level of trust in its elected officials,” Raskin, a partner at Vladeck, Waldman, Elias & Engelhard, said in a statement. “The public should know that its elected officials are in government to work in the public interest, not to take care of their own interests. One key element of establishing public trust is disclosure of outside income.”

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