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This Year, Honor Our Veterans By Giving Them The Legal Services They Need (HuffPost)

HuffPost, November 9, 2017

This Year, Honor Our Veterans By Giving Them The Legal Services They Need

“Deployed around the country, VA medical-legal partnerships could improve health and reduce homelessness for veterans. A recent report prepared for the New York City Bar Association found that providing attorneys to tenants facing eviction would reduce homelessness, along with medical, shelter, and law enforcement costs—and ultimately save the City money. The case is so compelling, in fact, that the City recently passed a law that mandates providing a free attorneys in housing court for eligible low-income tenants. Yet the potential benefits go well beyond housing: the World Health Organization’s seminal study on the social determinants of health presented clear evidence of the relationship between socioeconomic disadvantage and poor health, and the American Academy of Suicidology lists legal difficulties as events that can increase the risk of suicide”

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