Committee Reports

Report on legislation which would require signage to be posted around public locations where hunting, fishing or trapping may be occurring


The Committee on Animal Law expressed support for state legislation that would require the posting of signage on all publicly accessible municipally-owned property where hunting, fishing or trapping may be occurring; the signage would warn people of the potential dangers associated with such practices, including the existence of concealed traps, so that people may take necessary precautions to protect themselves and others, including children and pets. Traps can pose an inherent danger to children, companion animals and non-target wildlife, including endangered species. This bill, the report notes, would significantly reduce that risk and have a minimal fiscal impact.


A.524 (AM Englebright) / S.712 (Sen. Grisanti) – Provides that on publicly accessible municipally owned property where trapping is allowed posted signage at entry points must inform readers that trapping is allowed (NYS 2014)