Committee Reports

Military Spouse Licensure


Military members and their families are often subjected to frequent relocation to different states every few years.  Many military spouses are employed in fields that require licensing by the state in which they reside.  Relocation of a military family to New York may render the spouse unemployable in his or her field until he or she becomes licensed in New York.  Thus, dual-income military families are placed at an economic disadvantage until the spouse is admitted to his or her profession in New York.  The proposed legislation seeks to remove this disadvantage by expediting New York licenses in particular occupations and professions to military spouses who previously met the licensing requirements of another state in the same occupation or profession and where it has been determined that the out-of-state licensing standards are not lower than New York’s. 

The bill amends Section 6501 of the Education Law to afford those military spouses seeking to qualify for a license covered under the section with an expedited review of their application.  In addition to expediting the review of their application, a military spouse who provides “satisfactory documentation that he or she holds a license in good standing from another state” may request a temporary practice permit.  The State Education Department will be grant a temporary practice permit when the application and supporting documentation indicate the individual “holds a license in good standing from another state with significantly comparable licensure requirements to those of the state with significantly comparable licensure requirements.” A temporary practice permit would allow an individual to work under the supervision of a New York State licensee for a period of 6 months or 10 days after notification that an applicant doesn’t meet licensure qualifications; an additional 6 months can be granted in certain qualifying circumstances.  The bill provides a reduced burden provision which will provide military spouses with a 50% reduction in their license fee.

Originally Issued February 2015; Revised and Reissued May 2016


A.4394-A (AM Ortiz) / S.2947-A (Sen. Ritchie) – Provides for the licensing of the spouse of military personnel with out of state professional licenses (NYS 2015-16)


Signed by the Governor, Chp. 299 – September 9, 2016