
Insurance Law Committee

The Insurance Law Committee covers all aspects of law, regulation and public policy affecting the insurance industry, both locally and globally.

The Committee’s scope encompasses insurance law in the broadest sense — all lines of insurance coverage; all types of commercial relationships among insureds, insurers, reinsurers, producers and other constituencies; and all laws and policies affecting the capacity and delivery of insurance coverage in the marketplace, consumer protection and insurer organization and solvency. We provide a regular forum for current insurance law topics, often hosting prominent speakers and receiving reports from specific areas of practice represented by our members. In addition, we proudly serve the bar and the larger community by sponsoring CLE and other public programs, commenting on legislation and regulation, collaborating with other committees from time to time on projects of mutual concern, advising the Association on insurance law issues and supporting public service activities.

As a supplement to its monthly meetings for Committee members, during the 2020-21 Committee year the Committee sponsored three CLE programs at the City Bar’s CLE Center, covering topics as diverse as environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) issues for the insurance industry, current issues in directors’ and officers’ liability coverage, and current issues in insurance regulation. In addition, the Committee launched a series of podcast programs on ESG issues, discussing such topics as race-related issues in insurance and the “disparate impact rule”, and submitted a report to the New York Legislature on proposed state legislation affecting business interruption insurance coverage related to the Covid-19 pandemic.

In keeping with Committee custom, one of the Committee’ monthly meetings featured insightful and topical appearances by the Chairs of the standing insurance committees of the New York State Senate and Assembly. Its flagship program on current issues in insurance regulation featured a keynote address by the Superintendent of New York State’s Department of Financial Services.

The Committee’s calendar for the 2021-22 committee year includes a full slate of similar events.

Related Resources

Constructive Perspectives: Are New York’s Construction Safety and Insurance Laws Serving the Public?3/13/14 Event Materials