
Corrections & Community Reentry Committee

The Committee on Corrections & Community Reentry addresses a wide-range of criminal justice and reentry issues including conditions affecting people in jails, prisons and other detention facilities, as well as people under supervision on probation and parole. These issues include solitary confinement, inmate and officer violence, access to the courts, health care, education and mental health and substance abuse treatment. Additionally, the Committee addresses the effects of policing and police reform and criminal reform legislation on jail conditions, sentencing, reentry, and parole and probation. We have been active in the movement to decrease mass incarceration and close Riker’s Island. We have also been active in advocating for the release of incarcerated persons who are medically high risk or near the end of their sentence in light of the COVID-19 pandemic at both the New York City and State level. Other major areas of focus include a broad examination of parole and probation practices (including pending reform bills and legislation, and the consideration of whether broader overhaul is needed), and legislative changes and proposals for sealing and expungement of criminal histories. The Committee’s members represent practitioners at all levels of experience across all areas of legal and social justice practice.

Of Interest

Criminal Justice, Police Reform and Civil Rights sectionaddresses the intersection of criminal laws, policing and racial justice, and contains information regarding City Bar reports and programming on those subjects.

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