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Legal Fees: What Happens When Principles of Law or Ethics Conflict? (New York Law Journal)

New York Law Journal, March 9, 2017

Legal Fees: What Happens When Principles of Law or Ethics Conflict?

“When it comes to fees, life for lawyers can get complicated. A recent decision of the N.Y. Court of Appeals, Marin v. Constitution Realty, 2017 WL 521504 (2017), the court considered whether to enforce the plain language of a contract between two lawyers for sharing legal fees when the lawyers had not complied with the requirements of the Rules of Professional Conduct. In Formal Opinion 2017-2, the New York City Bar Association Committee on Professional Ethics addressed the problem of how to reconcile the duty to report a lawyer’s fraudulent billing under New York Rules of Professional Conduct (RPC) 8.3 and the duty to preserve confidentiality under RPC 1.6.”

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