
Now Accepting Nominations for the 30th Annual Legal Services Awards

The City Bar is now accepting nominations for the 30th Annual Legal Services Awards. The award is designed to recognize the efforts of lawyers and non-lawyers who have directly provided free legal services to indigent clients on a full-time basis for an extended period of time.

Nominees should have provided these legal services for at least five years. Nomination forms are available here. Letters of nomination should fully identify the nominee and describe his or her outstanding legal services efforts. Please address nomination letters to the Legal Services Awards Committee, Executive Director’s Office, New York City Bar Association, 42 West 44th Street, New York, NY 10036; or email For more information, contact Zaena Ballon at the Association at

The deadline for nominations is Friday, May 3, 2019. The Association will honor the winners at a reception on Tuesday, June 4, from 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.