Committee Reports

Report supporting legislation to provide the right to counsel in eviction, foreclosure and/or ejectment cases in New York City which can result in the litigant’s loss of shelter


The Committee on Pro Bono & Legal Services and the Committee on Housing Court jointly issued a report supporting City Council legislation that would provide all tenant-respondents in Housing Court, or in other courts where litigants are defending against ejectment or foreclosure proceedings, and who qualify financially, with a right to counsel.  It has long been recognized that less than 20% of low-income people in New York City (and the United States as a whole) have access to legal counsel in civil cases.  The lack of legal representation dramatically affects the ability of low-income people to effectively navigate the court system and obtain successful outcomes.  Represented parties benefit from statistically more favorable results in Housing Court, among other fora.  Providing counsel in these cases will also result in cost savings to the City regarding sheltering the homeless and providing other services. 

Originally Issued February 2015; Revised and Reissued September 2016


Int. 0214A-2014 – related to providing legal counsel for low-income tenants who are subject to eviction, ejectment or foreclosure proceedings


Signed by the Mayor, 2017/136 – August 11, 2017