Committee Reports

Letter to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) regarding fire safety standards in animal housing facilities


In a letter to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), the Committee on Animal Lawexpresses support for proposed amendments to NFPA 150, which would expand the scope of animal facilities that would be required to have sprinkler systems and smoke control systems installed. Specifically the amendment would require that sprinkler systems and smoke control systems be installed in facilities housing animals designated as “Category B” animals, which include all animals not designated as “Category A” animals, including, but not limited to, farm animals such as turkeys, cows, pigs and chickens, as well as companion animals such as dogs and cats and other animals typically found in pet stores and breeding facilities. While NFPA standards are not binding, they are an important source of model industry standards that are frequently adopted by states and municipalities throughout the country. Adoption of the proposed amendment to NFPA 150, the letter urges, would provide needed guidance on comprehensive fire safety standards for all confined animals.