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How can barriers to advancement be removed for women at large law firms? (ABA Journal)

ABA Journal, January 1, 2017

How can barriers to advancement be removed for women at large law firms?

“Survey findings released by the New York City Bar Association, for example, indicated that, while women have made some gains at the 75 law firms that responded to the survey, the percentage of female first-year associates at the firms in 2015 was 45.2 percent, a decrease of five percentage points since 2004. The finding “raises concerns about erosion of the associate pipeline,” the report stated. The survey further found that 35 percent of all lawyers at the firms in 2015 were women, “despite representing almost half of graduating law school classes for nearly two decades.” The survey found that 18.4 percent of women and 20.8 percent of minorities left the surveyed firms in 2015, compared to an attrition rate of 12.9 percent for white men, who accounted for 77 percent of equity partners.”

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