ID theft expanded

New York Expands the Geographical Jurisdiction for Offenses of Identity Theft

September 2, 2011 – Legislative successes can often happen in ways that are difficult to follow.  It is not always as straightforward and transparent a process as one would like.  For instance, anyone who has read through hundreds of pages of a budget bill knows that those pages may contain very important legislative proposals that, at first glance, do not seem particularly budget-related.  If those proposals pass as part of the budget, however, they are no less the law than if they had passed as stand-alone bills.

The City Bar’s Criminal Justice Operations Committee recently experienced how a bill can become a law by taking a circuitous route.  In March 2009, the Committee proposed amendments to the Criminal Procedure Law (CPL) to establish enhanced venue provisions for crimes closely related to the offenses of identity theft and unlawful possession of personal identification information, which already enjoy enhanced venue.